søndag den 8. juli 2012

UWP adventure begins!

I arrived in Denver, Co. yesterday and let me tell you - It was so scary but also super exiting! Nicole and I were some of the last people to arrive yesterday, so we were on the last bus from the airport to the center were the rest of the cast and crew were at! So when we arrived with the bus people outside were screaming and clapping with was so nice but also totally scary.. But it was fun to meet everyone I have seen on facebook the past month. It's super weird and hard to get to know 100 new people from 18 different countries but also fun and interesting!:) I met my host family yesterday and they are super sweet! Their names are Jen and Troy and then Rylee on 13 and their two dogs Bessy and Mosa and their cat.
Yesterday was our first host family day and Molly (my roomie) and I were taking by our host family to the History Colorado Center. It was so cool and very interesting stories to learn about Colorado. Today we went to Church - Flatirons community church is the name of it and it was so awesome! It was the biggest church I have ever seen ( It can hold up to 4000 people ) huge, I know. And the paster was so much fun and I actually understood the message he was teaching and telling! Plus they have a live rock band and they are so good!! It was such an  amazing experience and I will probably go every sunday!:)
Tomorrow the hard work begins and I won't be able to relax until I get home again in December, but I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and to learn the new show! It's going to be awesome:)

Hope you all are doing well!