mandag den 6. august 2012

One month with Up with People!:)

I know it's really been a long time since a blogged but it was been one hectic month!

Since I got here I have learned 5 dances, done multiple workouts and vocal classes.. It's been very hectic but mostly a lot of fun and I have enjoyed learning new dances and dance styles. I have gotten to know so many amazing and wonderful people that just makes my day! They have so much energy and love to give and I LOVE every part of it.. I get to talk to 100 people everyday from 18 different countries, so it is so amazing to hear different languages and learn about new culture everyday! I'm one lucky girl.. So far this experience is the best ever and I'm having the time of my life !!:)

Garden of the Gods - It's such a beautiful place!

On the top at Pikes Peak with Molly and my host parents

Me on the of Pikes Peak :) 

Molly and I being STRONG women!!! 

Rockies game - they sucked BIG time but it was a good experience!

My host family is truly amazing and they have taken me and Molly in as a part of their family.. We have done so much and seen so much - like "Garden of the Gods", been to the top of Pikes Peak, been to a Rockies game (baseball) and etc.
My roommate Molly is absolutely amazing! It's so nice that her and I just clicked and we have had so much fun together!! She is so funny and she does this funny/weird face with a scary/weird voice but it is so much fun and makes me laugh so hard!!:)

So far I'm having the time of my life and I feel so blessed and thankful to be given this opportunity to travel, perform and impact others - but mostly to be a part in this amazing Cast B 2012 - They are so freaking awesome and I can't wait to hit the road with them all!!
We are all divided in to home teams which are going to be our "smaller family" we can talk to if something is bothering us or just to get hugs from and support! And I love my home team so much.. HOME TEAM is the BEST !! It's a great group of people from all over the world and I keep getting surprised every time they open them selves op to the rest of us.. And that is what I truly love about UWP - because we are no longer 100 individuals but one big screwed up happy family - and I have never felt more at home with so many different people as I do with this beautiful cast!

Molly and Alicia from Belgium  on their birthday - they both turned 18! 
This was also the opening of the Olympics !!!

Some of the lovely ladies from the cast!

Molly with her broken finger!! :) 

Our fist CI day - oh my god I was so exiting! We went to do CI for CUSP (Coalition for the upper south platte). Their mission is to protect the water quality and ecological health of the Upper South Platte Watershed, through the cooperative efforts of watershed stakeholders, with emphasis placed on community values and economics sustainability. So when we got there we were divided into 3 groups and I got in the best group ever!! :) We went to clean and build trails ! It was so good  to finally give back and to get out of the Pinnacle Center.. It was nice to do something else then dancing, singing and moving around:)

This is Sean working it! :)

We made this!! So proud of us:)

Georgie and Molly posing after a wonderful day filled with laughter, hard work and lots of fun!

I love Georgie - he is so much fun and has the best personality!

On friday we will have our first show for family, staff and host families -I'm super exited to show them all of our hard work and to be the first cast ever to be a part of the Show VOICES!!! 
So far I'm in 3 dances but they can change it - there are so many amazing dancers here and I feel blessed to be a part of the dancers because I feel we support each other and just have a special bond!! 

So far I have not been to homesick but I do miss home and especially in the night - I miss my goodnight hugs and kisses from mom and siblings - Victorias small arms around me!! Thank god for SKYPE!! Don't know what I would do with out Skype - It literally saves my week:) I really appreciate my family and I feel so lucky to have such an amazing and loving family that supports me in everything I do<3 

Wish me luck!:) 

Sarah Clark