torsdag den 28. juni 2012

Celebrating my girls!!!

I know this blog should be about UWP, but I have had such an amazing week with my girls and wanted to share it with you all!!

This week has been so amazing!! It's been filled with so much laughter joy and love:) a bunch of my girlfriends graduated this week so we have celebrated them as much as we could!!
And yesterday they went to prom in beautiful dresses and smoking :D and with their hats on they looked amazing!!

        This is Malene and me!! This was taken the day she graduated:D

"Finally done with my exams"!!:D Happy? I think so..

Lovely lady!!

Boo-boo!! Happy girl:D


At their prom they all arrive in different ways - Camilla arrived on a motorcycle!! 

Handsome girls - lol :D

Beautiful girl:-*

And her date!

It's a tradition that all the graduated students dance lancier at prom!! 

søndag den 24. juni 2012

Our Surprise Party and the last 14 days at home!

Nicole and I were surprised last Saturday (June 16th.) with a surprise farewell party that our family and friends had planned months  in advance.
We came home from lunch in the city with a friend of ours and when we came home our loved ones stood together on the deck and screamed "surprise"!! Nicole and I were close to fall over - we were so shocked and moved.. And if that wasn't enough they all had donated money to our trip with UWP, so we recieved a huge check on kr. 9000,- and Nicole and I were again close to fall over. We were so moved by peoples donations and love and really didn't expect anyhing from them. The day was filled with even more surprises; our lovely and amazing girls (Haverberg, Kerler, Notkin, Demant, Simone, Malle og Sabrina) had made a song to us and that song descibes us girls love for each other perfectly! It was a lot of fun!!:-)
Our little sister Emily (14 years) held a little speach and had made a video with pictures of us and our loved ones and with the best music in the background! It was such an amazing video and I am so proud of her to have done that (takes alot of guts).. The day, evening and night was amazing and the best farewell party we could ever have asked for. Thanks mom, Jimmi, grandmother, sisters and everyone else who made this day possible! I will remeber it for the rest of my life!! Love all of you:) 

There are only 13 days till I will leave Naestved, Denmark and start my adventure with UWP! It's going to be the best experience ever and I can't wait to meet the cast and crew of Cast B 2012 (I can already say that it's a pretty awesome cast) :D!! But one thing I'm not looking forward to is saying goodbye to everyone back home.. It's going to be extremely hard and I'm going to cry (I'm the biggest cry-baby) but I know that I'm in for once in a life time experience and I can't wait to get stated!
The last couple of days before leaving I will pack my suitcase which isn't easy at all (I have to pack for 6 months) and I will spend as much time as possible with my family and friends!:) Some of my friends are graduating from school this coming week, so I will definitely be celebrating them and their hard work! (so proud of you all):) 

Sarah! :)