torsdag den 28. juni 2012

Celebrating my girls!!!

I know this blog should be about UWP, but I have had such an amazing week with my girls and wanted to share it with you all!!

This week has been so amazing!! It's been filled with so much laughter joy and love:) a bunch of my girlfriends graduated this week so we have celebrated them as much as we could!!
And yesterday they went to prom in beautiful dresses and smoking :D and with their hats on they looked amazing!!

        This is Malene and me!! This was taken the day she graduated:D

"Finally done with my exams"!!:D Happy? I think so..

Lovely lady!!

Boo-boo!! Happy girl:D


At their prom they all arrive in different ways - Camilla arrived on a motorcycle!! 

Handsome girls - lol :D

Beautiful girl:-*

And her date!

It's a tradition that all the graduated students dance lancier at prom!! 

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