lørdag den 1. september 2012

Cape Cod, Mass.

Woo Hoo!!! :) We are going to Cape Cod and our first day there is beach day with the cast and staff!!:) Yay!!!!!... LOVE IT!

Halo beautiful people!

I'm now in Cape Cod and it is gorgeous here! I seriously fell like I have died and gone to heaven!:)
My roommate this week is Abbey from Colorado - and when I saw that she was my roommate I was so happy! She is so so sweet and we will have so much fun together!

 Abbey and me together on the beach!! :) My roommate for Cape Cod!
We were really happy to be roomed together!! Love that girl!<3

This is my bed for the week and it is so comfortable. 

We live with Ellen and Joel and they are the nicest people ever - and funny! They reminded me of my grand parents back home so that was so nice. There house is huge and right down to the water:) I'm heaven right now. I love Cape Cod and everything it has to offer! We went down to the beach one night and the sky was so beautiful!!...

I could stay here for the rest of my life! 


During one of Nicole's warm ups I twisted my ankle so I was not able to be in the show that weekend but I got to watch it and take pictures and take show notes! I was so proud of the cast and I know we can take our show to another level and perform much better than we already are!! :)

Our Mexicans introducing themselves! :) 

Alicia from Belgium performing on stage!:)

Nicole and our dance captain Miguel rocking Jump 'n' jive!! 

Jai Ho! Janelle and Chris doing an amazing job singing indian :)

Cassie and Isaiah singing a song from Africa. 

This is just a few pictures from our show! :) Hope you enjoyed!!
On our host family day I spent the day at the beach with Abbey and I had such a great time in the evening with Ellen and Joel! Oh - I'm going to miss them so much and the view I woke up to every single morning!

"If your lucky enough to live by the sea you are lucky enough" :-)

Next week it's Newburyport and new adventures!

Sarah <3

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