lørdag den 1. september 2012

Lowell, Massachusetts

Hey guys,

Since my last post we have a had our first shows and they went great!! We were all so dumped after our first shows and we can't wait to show the whole world what we have put together in 5 weeks!:)
I said goodbye to my host family in Denver, Co. and was ready to leave for Lowell, Mass. I was super excited to go back to sea level and actually being able to breathe again!! :)
This was also a goodbye to Molly my roommate and halo to my new roommate Nicole my sister :)!! We did not think that that would ever happen through this entire tour but it did and we had so much fun together!! It was just like being at home = sleeping in the same bed, boring each others clothes, fighting, laughing at silly things only we think are funny and just the fact that we could be us again was amazing!! Nicole and I were sick one day so we stayed home and just relaxed outside in the sun and in our host families pool. It was such a nice day and our bodies needed that day badly..

I know, we don't look sick but we are!!! 

Our host parent were Joel and Dorothy and they were so so so nice and they made delicious food :) it was the best ever!! For host family day we went to Boston and OMG I love that city. It was beautiful and huge but not too big! We took the Freedom Trail, rode the duck boats and saw a IMAX movie about elephants and orangutans.. It was such a beautiful and inspiring movie. A good host family day in Boston and I hope to go back there one day..
For CI this week I went with a bunch of other people down to a river to clean up its surroundings - River Beautification Works:) We were there for 3 days and we cleaned up good!!

Love what UWP stands for!!! 


And it was not only the wall that got painted!! :) This is Yazel from Mexico!

This was my first week on the road and I can't wait to go to Cape Cod!! :)

Lots of Love,

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