onsdag den 24. oktober 2012

Concord, Mass

We came to Concord and I was so excited because Diane was PR in that city! It was so good to see again and I'm so glad that we get this experience together.. It's because of her, Emmy, KayKay and Anja that Nicole and I are here today in UWP!!!:)

I was hosted with Tori from LA, USA and we had a great time with our super nice host family! They lived in the middle of the forrest, so there was tree all around us and animals:) loved it! They did everything for us and really wanted us to have the best time with them!! Steven our host dad made breakfast for us every morning and he absolutely loved it and so did we:)!! so nice to have eggs, pancakes and bagels..

This CI I went to Walden Park were we worked on the trails, which was a lot of fun and so beautiful!! Enjoyed the view when we had our lunch break!!

Working hard with my crew!:)

This was our  view at the CI!! LOVE IT:)

This week we had 4 shows and that tired a lot of us!!:) At our last show we had to strike in a hour and we had never done that before - but because of our awesomeness we made it!! it took hard work, team work but also having fun with it!! :) Woop Cast B 2012..

Next week we will be going to Plymouth and that is our last city in USA!! Next stop is Taiwan:)
Cant believe time has flied by so fast! Its insane.. 

Love from me<3

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