fredag den 26. oktober 2012

Plymouth, Mass.


We arrive to Plymouth Plantation and get to spend the day there and explore it on our own. It's super cool and I was so happy to spend my first CI day there!!

My roommates were Nicole M. and Katie Walker! The house we live in is huge and I have a beautiful view from my bedroom window! Love waking up to that every morning!

I had such a great CI day and the crew I was with was amazing. Made the day so much fun!:) We did some garden stuff and worked our asses off!! loved it..

My second CI was even better - not because of the crew or the place but because my family came and surprised me:) I was about to fall over!! It took me a while to understand that it was them walking from the parking lot but when I did I just started crying and ran straight into my moms arms! It was the best feeling ever.. Emily, Victoria and Jimmi was also there and it was so so so so so so so great to see them again and to feel there hugs<3 MISSED THEM SO MUCH!!!! The staff had known for a really long time that they were coming but Nicole and I had no idea so it was such an amazing feeling to see them again and I can't believe that the staff was able to shut up about it!! :D Nicole and I was the happiest girls alive!!

Victoria and Nicole!:)<3 Happy girls!!

She's gotten so big!!!!

We went back to the cast and had culture fair - It was so much fun and I loved having the family here so they could meet the cast and help us with setting up and representing Denmark!!
Culture fair was so much fun and everyone did such an amazing job representing there own countries. Victoria LOVED it, because every country had something to eat so she ran from booth to booth eating:D!!!
At our booth DENMARK we talked about "the facts", our royal family and some of our traditions in Denmark. In the end with every team we went outside and played "øl staffet":) it was so much fun and when ever you lost you had to eat danish liquorice!! It was so much fun to see their different face expressions eating it!! It was priceless :D

Danish team!!:) Best team..

At the Belgium booth!!:D

After culture fair us 6 went for dinner and let me just tell you how much I loved that evening! Just sitting around the table and talking and laughing and just being our little happy family back together again was amazing! Never been so happy before<3 I still had a hard time understanding that they were there:) They dropped me of at my host families house and they met my host sister and host dad so that was pretty cool!

The next day Nicole and I had time off with the family until one so we went to Target and bought stuff that Nicole and I needed before traveling to Asia:) SO nice to spend time with the family as if it was like we were home!! I had so much fun and what I loved most about hanging out with them was waking hand in hand or arm in arm with my mom and Emily and just talk about stuff back home and our experiences in UWP!! I have missed that so much - especially my moms hugs!! They are the best. Emily has grown into such a young and beautiful girl and I could not be more proud of the you lady she is today! Victoria's grown so much and has gotten so tall - HATE that she grows up so fast. But it was sure nice to have her arms around my neck again<3 Jimmi was just the same as we left him and that made me so happy. I did not think that I would miss his jokes but I sure have! It was just great to be a family again!!! 

Loving some rock 'n' roll hand signs!:)

Victoria giving Nicole some love<3

Lovely kiss from Vic<3 Missed that girl so much!!

After a nice morning we went back to the cast and started rehearsal for the show that night! I was so pumped for the show and so happy that they would see the show and the dances that Nicole and I are in!:) Its my job to bring a man on stage in the 2nd act so I brought Jimmi and he brought Victoria - it was so much fun and I loved that Jimmi could experience that with me!! The family loved the show and that made me so happy!! That night Emily stayed the night and it was so nice to have her with me and just enjoy our alone time together! Missed that girl so much<3.. 

Jimmi, Nicole, me, Em, mom and Emmy!:)

Nicole, mom and me before the show!<3

The next day we had breakfast together at their hotel and it was so good:) love sitting around a table and eat with them. Back home the dinner table would be our gather around and talk about your day table and boy have I missed that! It was a nice memory of home and how loving my family is!!! We went for a nice walk together and went for lunch after that. We new that we were going to say goodbye  to each other after lunch and the time just flew by so that was no fun! I cried as always but it was easier to say goodbye because I'm home in 2 months and 3 weeks!! I'll be home before they know it:) It was still hard to say goodbye..

Morning table! LOVE IT..

My lovely family<3

After saying goodbye to them we went into rehearsal! Unfortunately I got really sick that afternoon so I could not participate in the show. Instead Katie B and I were backstage feeling sorry for our selves!! 
This also meant that I took a sick day saturday - I did not feel well at all so I thought a day of sleeping and relaxing would be a smart thing to do. I did some laundry, skyped with family and friends and just slept:) It was a good day and just what my body and mind needed. 
For host family day Nicole M and Katie Walker and I went shopping for the last thing we needed! It was so much fun just to spend time with those two goof balls:)!! I packed and went to bed way to late! I'm not ready at all but TAIWAN here we come!!!

Thank you so much mom, Jimmi, Emily and Victoria for giving me the best surprise ever!! Love you all<3

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