søndag den 21. oktober 2012

Hamilton, Mass

We arrived to Hamilton were we were welcomed by General Patton's wife! She was so sweet and made us very excited about our week in Hamilton!

My roommate in Hamilton was Bailey and I was so happy to spend the week with her! And then we meet our host family and we could not ask for a better family! Jenny, Bill, Kayla, Sophie and Will are such an amazing loving family and they reminded me so much of my family back home. In the morning they all we rushing out of the door and the girls were talking about what to wear and it just reminded me so much of our mornings back home when all of us had to leave for school or work in the mornings.

That week we were interacting with a lot of students in Elementary School, Middle school, High school and College! It was super fun but also hard work - who would have guessed that kids would be hard:) My favorite was Elementary school, they were the cutest children and they loved spending time with us and playing our different games:)!!
We had 3 BTS on one day at Wenham regional Middle School and High school and it was so much fun but also so hard and so hot (there were no AC).

I loved getting early off so I had more time with my awesome roommate and host family! We would have so much fun and laugh so hard together especially us girls:)!! Kayla was the oldest and Sophie was a year younger and it was so fun to see how different they were - Sophie was the one who never thought before she talked (which I loved) and Kayla was more mature but also a lot of fun!!

My lovely host sister Sophie playing with my phone while I was in the bathroom! :D

Me and Baileys bed this week!

Our bed with my lovely roommate on it!

On show night I took my host dad Bill up on stage with me and it was super fun and the crowd went wild (everyone knew Bill):) so it was just a lot of fun!!

Bill and me on stage!:)

On host family day we went for breakfast with Baileys mom and her two friends and The Frains!:) It was so much fun and I loved spending time with all of them!. After that we went to see Sophie cheer and that was so much fun and I loved being there and support her and her team! Bailey taught Will about some of the different games we have in the cast and he just started playing them right away! He rocked it and Bailey and I were happy about that we learned him the games the day before we left!:) When we came home we went to the hot tub outside and had girl time.. We had Italian for dinner and afterwards we saw "It's complicated" and we all laughed so hard! It was such a nice moment with all of us snuggled together on the couch, under blankets just enjoying each others company as a family! I absolutely love this family and hated to say goodbye to them!! HATE IT!!




Miss you all!!!!<3 

lots of love from me!

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