torsdag den 22. november 2012

Mexico City, Mexico

We arrived in Mexico City after a long long travel day! I had never been so tired before. When we came to the hostel where we were staying and waiting for group no. 3 we had the chance to sleep and take a shower and trust me – that was exactly what we did. I felt like I had been hit by a truck so I took some emergencies and went to bed J I had never slept so good in my entire life.. It was so nice to relax and actually lay down and not sit up sleeping. When group 3 arrived we all had lunh together and then I took a shower so I wouldn’t look like a dead person when I had to meet my new host family! 

The Hostel!:)

My roommate that week was Mie from Japan and I was so excited to be roommed with her because she is the cutest thing ever. Our hostcode was: Tequila so our 9 year old host sister was dressed as a tequila bottle when they came and picked us up!:) This week I have 3 host sisters (9, 6 and 4) they were the cutest girls ever and even though we were not able to communicate we still connected and had a great time together!! 

Cali, Celeste and Maya!:)

The first 2 days of Mexico City I stayed home sick and relaxed and trust me: MY BODY AND MIND NEEDED THAT!! I finally felt restedJ What I love about sick days is that I can skype as long as I want to! It’s amazing and I love seeing my family and friends..
So when I came back to the cast I felt like I was home again – It’s super weird not to see them every day when I have been use to that for 5 months! I love this cast and I can’t believe it’s almost over! Ken and Michael from the office was there and made us ready for our first show in Mexico! So we practiced a lot that week before our show and we became amazing at singing spanish J ha! Not as easy as it sounds!! 

Our show that week was in "El Zócalo", the thirs largest square in the entire world! So that was pretty cool to experience. It’s outside and the buildings around it lit up at the night so it was super cool to stand on the stage and look out at the square, the huge flag and off course our amazing audience!:) I sometime forget that I’m travelling around the world beacuse when I’M with the cast I feel at home and safe so I dont really realize that I’m in Mexico or was in Taiwan and The Philippines.. It’s truly a wonderful experience!

For host family we went on a long trip – they told us that it was a 2-3 hour car ride but it became much longer, especially because the youngest got car sick and threw up all over the back seat so we had to stop and clean upJ And after dinner when we left for the cemetery we drove around for 1 hour because we could not find it, so we went home. And our host dad missed our exit so we were home at midnight! They wanted us to have a great day and we did but it also failed a little, but they tried and that’s what matters.
My host family were so sweet and took good care of me while I was sick. It was a good first host family in Mexico and I can’t wait for next week because then I will be hosted with Elena and my sis in Toluca!! WOOP WOOP!!!:)


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