tirsdag den 6. november 2012

Puerto Princesa, The Philippines

We left for The Philippines at 03.00 in the morning and was ready for a new chapter in our UWP story! Our first visit went to Puerto Princesa - we landed at the smallest airport I have ever been too and while waiting for our luggage us Danish girls met a danish guy named Henrik. He was in Puerto Princesa on vacation from his exchange student program in Korea. It was so crazy to meet another Dane in that airport - but it was so nice to talk danish to a new person and just to see a danish guy and YES there is a difference = danish guys knows how to dress !! :D

My roommate that week is Mariana from Mexico and I was so excited to be roomed with her so I could get to know her even better!! We live with Liezel and her two lovely daughters Lee Praize and Cala Jesiah. There home was in the middle of the jungle and I loved it. Mariana and I had our own bedroom together and a comfortable bed. One thing I had to get use to was the bucket showers and the freezing cold water! It was definitely a challenge but I managed to take very cold and shorts showers! They also had small lizards running towards the ceiling like it was totally normal and apparently it was:)
Even though my host sister Cala did not speak english, her and I connected on another level and we had so much fun together. She was the cutest thing and instead of giving me a kiss she would rub her nose against my nose:) it was a really cute gesture and it made me miss Victoria so much..

Me and Cala!

My family!:) I'm going to miss them so much!

Our regional learning day was spectacular! We went to the under ground river and it is so far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life! We had the chance to swim in the ocean, relax, see monkeys and explore the underground river:) it was such a nice day and I loved every minute of it! 

Inside the underground river!

Bailey and me! <3

Isaiah and his monkey!

I had the best CI that week. A bunch of us took a small 2 hour ride up to this school that is in the middle of the jungle. We arrived and was welcomed with so many kids singing and dancing for us. We were all divided in to 3 groups; one group should paint a wall with the children, another group were going to clean up there library and make it all pretty and useful for the children and the third group which I was a part of had the job to interact with the students and just play with them. So we played all the different games we know from Up With People and the students loved it! It was such a joy to see them laughing and dancing and jumping around and just really having a good time. We played "Little Sally Walker" for a long time and some of these children they had some moves; the boys and girls knew how to shake there booty!:) It was so much fun to watch and we all got a bit surprised of how well these guys could move there small bodies.
When we were all done with our different assignments we all gathered together and played with the children before it was time for lunch. While everyone else was dancing with the students of the school, I went over to some of the mothers and their beautiful babies. I loved talking to them and playing with the kids; it was such a joy!
We went to a beach for lunch and after eating we all jumped in the water with the clothes we were wearing and all the kids came with us! We were in that water for a really long time and it was a beautiful place but having the children there with us in the water and just playing and goofing around was the best part and I will always remember and cherish for the rest of my life!

Playing little sally walker

We also had the chance to plant some trees

Our lovely wall!

The library and some new books for the students!

The library after we cleaned it!

I found me some twins!

My baby!!:)

The beach!!

All the kids was given a toothbrush and toothpaste !

My buddy! He would not let go of me in the water so he became my water buddy!:)

It was such an amazing week and I love Puerto Princesa and hope that I'll one day come back. They are more then kind and the island is amazingly beautiful! Loved it there..
Next stop is Manila:)


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