tirsdag den 6. november 2012

Taipei, Taiwan

We arrived to Taipei and the BTS crew (when we do a small show and only a few people can be in it) went straight to rehearsal!:) We went to the arena and we were all amazed of how big the stage and the arena was! We are going to be performing for Taiwans National day and its going to be live on TV! Very excited!! And a big honor for UWP cast B 2012:)

The next day we had our performance and it was the coolest thing ever! When the speaker introduced us and said "Up With People" we could hear the rest of the cast in the audience go wild and scream and that was such an amazing feeling and it made me want to dance the best I could !! After the show we saw some of the other performers and suddenly we were told that the President of The Philippines wanted to meet us and take a photo with us.. It was such a cool day and night and it's differently something I will remember for the rest of my life!

This was our stage for the evening! :D

My roommate this week is Yolanda from The Netherlands and we live with a very nice host family in a nice apartment. Our room was super tiny but our bed is comfortable and the food is delicious!.. Our host mom Jenny and our host brother Jackie wanted us to have the best week ever and it was a great week. They had every night planned for us with dinner with friends and on host family day we went for a long bike ride with beautiful scenery! I have not biked in such a long time so my ass was in a lot of pain :)! but it was so nice and I have missed biking so much!  I tried pigs blood rice cookie and let me just say that that was very interesting !:D very weird to have blood in your mouth..  

Me after a long bike ride !:D

For CI we went to a blind school and painted there school and heard some of the students stories. There were two students who were 23 and they both lost their eye sight in a car accident. We asked them how they felt when they found out that they were blind and their answer was "lucky because we are healthy and a live!" That surprised a lot of us and made us realize how lucky we all are to be able to see and explore the world as we are!! 

Our show venue was in a park this week and that was super awesome! It was so nice to be outside all day and be in a beautiful park with cast B 2012! :) 
Our stage for the show! :)

After the show and packing our costumes down in our bags Yolanda and I went home with our host family and went to bed. But before going to bed I skyped with dad, Emily and Nicole. It was so much fun to Skype with all of them at the same time - miss talking together as a family! Loved that Skype session! 

My lovely family! <3

We had a cast sleep over that Sunday because we were leaving for The Philippines really early that morning at it was so much fun! :) I slept on two mats with Nicole, Bailey and Katie Baudler even though I did not get that much sleep I still had a great night with my favorite people<3 

Lots of hugs and love from here!

- Sarah <3

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