torsdag den 22. november 2012

Toluca, Mexico

Before arriving to Toluca we went and saw the pyramids and climbed them!! :) I was so excited and happy to be there! Not everyone can say that they have been on a pyramid in Mexico!! LOVE UWP..

Sis and me!!

Nicole, Me, Betinna and Nicole D!:)

A whole week with Nicole and Elena! I could not be happier:) I just new that this week would be awesome.. The only problem was that I hoped to soon.. Both Nicole and I were sick the entire week:( Luckily Elena's father is a doctor so he checked up on us three times that week and we can't thank him enough for that!
I did join the cast one day on a show day and I felt great that day. The show was awesome and the audience was the best so far. I loved when they sang along in the Mexican Medley and 90's medley:) it's such a great feeling!! On our way back from the show facility the bus I was on decided to break down so we had to jump over the other bus and sit on the ice cold floor and YES that made me sick again and then I was sick for the rest of the week - even on host family day..
I felt so bad because I really wanted to spend time with Elena and her family and they were so nice to Nicole and I and I hated that I could not return the favor!

Our hospital for the week!!:)

Even though we were sick all week and really enjoyed my time in Toluca and in this house! I felt so much at home, mostly because I was with Nicole!<3 I don't know what I would have done without her that week - she made me feel less home sick because all I wanted when I was sick was my mom and her love!!! Thank God for twin sisters<3!!

So not my most exciting week but know we are traveling 36 hours to Ciudad Obregón and I feel a bit better so that's a good sign!:) Can't wait to be back to sea level!! I hate altitude.. 


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